More specifically concerning: wittgenstein
Citation (27)
13 November 2004, around 12.24.
philosophical hedonism and the necessary…
16 July 2006, around 21.44.
After about two hours of reading or discussion, we would go for a walk and then have tea at Lyons, or in the restaurant above the Regal cinema. Sometimes he came to my house in Searle street for supper. Once after supper, Wittgenstein, my wife and I went for a walk on Midsummer Common. We […]
a definite achievement
6 January 2013, around 7.01.
Wittgenstein on organizing one’s library
on biography (3)
8 February 2013, around 0.02.
After reading Didier Eribon’s biography of Foucault, I turned with some relief to Karl Popper’s memoir Unended Quest. The biography of Foucault was maddening because it did what good biographies should do, and didn’t speculate, especially where speculation was warranted. Popper, meanwhile, positively disinvites speculation. There’s nothing to speculate about; he grinds through ideas with […]
11 December 2014, around 8.32.
Notes on Wittgenstein’s Remarks on Colour: Wittgenstein muddles his thinking about color – visualizing rather than looking: the dullness of phenomenology. The removal of colors from context, which changes the ‘meaning’ – what is at once ‘reddish green’ might, in other settings, be called ‘brown’. ‘I took a green painted lead cupola to be translucent greenish […]
15 September 2016 – Paris
15 September 2016, around 19.41.
Day 9. We intended to climb the towers at Notre Dame today, and waited in line in the rain for some twenty minutes to find out there was a strike and the towers were shut. So we went to the Centre Pompidou and found we had arrived forty minutes too early. We wandered away to […]
10 February 2021, around 5.08.
There is a passage in the third chapter of Toril Moi’s Revolution of the Ordinary: Literary Studies after Wittgeinstein, Austin, and Cavell that drew my eye: In many cases, then it is useless to spend time and energy trying to produce a sharp concept. To avoid meaningless work, we need to understand the situation we […]
a conceptual primer
5 April 2023, around 4.56.
One can say that the concept of a game is a concept with blurred edges.—‘But is a blurred concept a concept at all?’—Is a photograph that is not sharp a picture of a person at all? Is it even always an advantage to replace a picture that is not sharp with one that is? Isn’t […]
antichachectick disposition
9 May 2023, around 16.32.
τὴν κορυφὴν τοῦ ὄρους μὴ ἀργῶς ἴδῃς, ἀλλʼ ἐκεῖ ἐπʼ αὐτῆς θεοὺς ὑπονόει περιωπὴν ἔχειν τοῦ ἀγῶνος· καὶ γάρ τι χρυσοῦν γέγραπται νέφος, ὑφʼ ᾧ, οἶμαι, σκηνοῦσι… Do not look carelessly at the top of the mountain, but assume that gods have there a place from which to view the contest; for, observe, a golden […]
all gibberish
2 July 2023, around 4.56.
I felt a downright fear of mathematics class. The teacher pretended that algebra was a perfectly natural affair, to be taken for granted, whereas I didn’t know what numbers really were. They were not flowers, not animals, not fossils; they were nothing that could be imagined, mere quantities that resulted from counting. To my confusion […]
haven’t a clew
5 July 2023, around 4.27.
Like anyone who is capable of some introspection, I had early taken it for granted that the split in my personality was my own purely personal affair and responsibility. —Carl Jung (Memories, Dreams, Reflections, trans. Richard and Clara Winston, p. 234) 1. Things that I liked about David Kishik’s Self Study: the form, the idiosyncratic […]
sense & sententiousness
1 September 2023, around 4.36.
Salome in the off hours. Die Frage nach dem Sinn. Vergleiche: “Dieser Satz hat Sinn.” – “Welchen?” “Dieser Wortreihe ist ein Satz.” – “Welcher?” Asking what the sense is. Compare: “This sentence has a sense.” – “What sense?” “This sequence of words is a sentence.” – “What sentence?” —Wittgenstein (Philosophical Investigations, trans. G.E.M. Anscombe et al., […]