The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: summer


16 July 2003, around 8.20.

Through all the varied lawns the grass once green again is brown, the summer dulling even as does winter. I am a winter creature myself, and these warm days, clear skies and noisome jocundities cause me to ache for a long nap ’til sweet reason returns with the fall; the merest mention of aestivation, however, […]


9 August 2003, around 8.10.

The Most Illustrious Purpled Person will choose to hear the rogue’s confession of his crime. —Don Tarquinio, chapter xvii It is a hot, and it is summer, and there is soymilk and milk made of almonds, and there is also water purchased in blue plastic containers, and I too sometimes think there should be ‘Society […]


24 June 2004, around 15.20.

June 2004


12 July 2004, around 13.29.

Three chairs on the deck of the house opposite rock of their own volition, looking at the sea and seven sail-less sailboats. The bright pink flowers of potted geranium plants refuse to lose their petals. And I, sadly, am reading William Hazlitt.


22 July 2012, around 10.26.


31 July 2012, around 9.23.

It’s nice not to have to focus on anything.


22 July 2013, around 17.02.

An excursion.

A view (38)

24 July 2013, around 5.38.

sunset, Portland.


26 August 2014, around 0.04.

Scent through the open window – party-goer’s perfume or an evening bath, mothballed sociability. Dull beats from the club, from the event space fluorescent light, and the shouting or murmurs of the smokers. Another scent. Ready for winter – ready to close the windows.


7 August 2022, around 17.22.


19 August 2022, around 9.12.

From the morning walk.

hey neighbor

28 August 2022, around 14.38.

The new neighbor lives openly, loudly, her life spilling across the narrow public sphere of the yard between buildings. Branches and brambles provide an equivocal visual screen, but sound passes through unmuffled. Her conversations are eager, enthusiastic, kindly, echoing out the open windows of the barely furnished ground floor apartment next door, which she has […]


19 May 2023, around 4.26.

Moment after moment we should follow the flow of time. You should go with time. When you become tired of doing something, you may talk about this way or that way, just to kill time. But when you see that the vegetables in the garden have almost dried up in the hot weather, you do […]

towards the mean

8 June 2023, around 9.28.

διὸ καὶ ἀπορήσειεν ἄν τις, τί δή ποθ᾽ οἱ μὲν ἰατροὶ βουλεύονται περὶ ὧν ἔχουσι τὴν ἐπιστήμην, οἱ δὲ γραμματικοὶ οὔ; αἴτιον δ᾽ ὅτι διχῇ γινομένης τῆς ἁμαρτίας (ἢ γὰρ λογιζόμενοι ἁμαρτάνομεν ἢ κατὰ τὴν αἴσθησιν αὐτὸ δρῶντες) ἐν μὲν τῇ ἰατρικῇ ἀμφοτέρως ἐνδέχεται ἁμαρτεῖν, ἐν δὲ τῇ γραμματικῇ κατὰ τὴν αἴσθησιν καὶ πρᾶξιν περὶ […]

Citation (73)

21 June 2023, around 7.57.

on summer evenings.

A view (58)

8 July 2023, around 15.33.


13 July 2023, around 4.42.

…scarce appeareth any calamity, but if time be taken and opportunitie laid holde on, helpe and release doth as readely present it selfe, to the comforte of such as trauaile vnder the burthen, as affliction is readie to charge them… —Timothie Bright (A treatise of melancholie)


19 July 2023, around 10.05.

Quis est enim tam conpositae felicitatis ut non aliqua ex parte cum status sui qualitate rixetur? For who is so completely happy that he does not find something to quarrel with in his own condition? —Boethius (Consolation…, trans. S.J. Tester, II.iv.41ff.)


11 August 2023, around 4.37.

…only a particular concatenation of circumstances will reveal that one man always acts in a good way because his instinctual inclinations compel him to, and the other is good only in so far and for so long as such cultural behaviour is advantageous for his own selfish purposes. But superficial acquaintance with an individual will […]

in line

1 August 2024, around 9.19.

The first peculiarity which strikes us when we reflect on the equivalent form is this, that use-value becomes the form of the appearance of its opposite, value. —Marx (Capital, vol. 1, trans. Ben Fowkes, p. 148) It is supposed to be warm today. We have been out of town due to the great building repair […]


5 August 2024, around 7.47.

At one in the morning, the dog barks to announce the onset of unexpected rain and a thunderstorm. The next hour sees frequent lightning, and only the rain prevents the immediate worry of conflagration. The dog sniffs the air at the open door, listens to the rat-tat-tat of the rain, and heaves a sigh before […]


16 August 2024, around 10.09.

…the resistance of the material must be scrupulously respected. —Karl Kerényi (Eleusis, trans. Ralph Manheim, p. xxi)


20 August 2024, around 19.39.

Pausing to watch the morning light and consider the fausses fraises de production.1We must be permitted our little jokes. [↩]

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