The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: ovid

hope against hope (1)

22 June 2012, around 18.24.

in which nothing much is said, especially about Hope Mirrlees.


5 February 2024, around 12.48.

Orpheus running into a spot of trouble, cropped from Johann Wilhelm Baur’s illustrations to Ovid (ca. 1641) The hand that desires to cleanse the sores of other men must itself be clean, or the last state of the soul it touches may be worse than the first. —Eleanor Shipley Duckett (The Gateway to the Middle […]


9 February 2024, around 17.26.

Erysichthon, engaging in some ill-judged arboriculture, cropped from Johann Wilhelm Baur’s illustrations to Ovid (ca. 1641) …soon memory pours forth from every direction, sprouting its vines and flowers up around you till the old garden’s taken shape in all its fragrant glory. Almost unbelievable how much can rush forward to fill an absolute blankness. —Mary […]

the lot of the faint heart

22 April 2024, around 15.34.

“Ich glaube, daß er kein Automat ist” hat, so ohne weiteres, noch gar keinen Sinn. “I believe that he is not an automaton”, just like that, so far makes no sense. —Wittgenstein (Philosophy of Psychology – A Fragment, iv; trans. G.E.M. Anscombe et al.) An extract from Jean-Léon Gérôme’s ‘The Artist and His Model’ (1894) […]

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXV · cc 2000–2025 M.F.C.
