The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: routine

25.05.02 – Saturday

25 May 2002, around 20.13.

Awoke at 4:40 this morning owing to the heat of the room and the itchiness of my feet, on which the mosquitoes had seen fit to bestow their generous attentions. Today’s events will run as follows: up moderately early, read, breakfast, partake of massive quantities of milky tea, drive to college, attend the social events […]

29.05.02 – Wednesday

29 May 2002, around 20.18.

It starts in the morning with laundry. No – that’s not quite it. It starts when they knock on my door at eight a.m. and I am not yet awake; in truth, I had opened my eyes to face the world at a quarter to seven, but the world at that point seemed irrelevant to […]

The thing is

25 November 2002, around 16.39.

That it seems nothing is happening. I spend each and every day following the same routine, the dull rhythm of the week waxing and waning, more timely than the moon. Waking up at 5:30 in the morning, the darkness still swirling like the fog, I stumble, tumble down the stairs, make dark coffee and a […]


21 October 2008, around 2.15.

In the morning we wake to the sound of the neighbor’s two cows walking up the road to pasture. They walk slowly, as though their feet hurt. That’s at about quarter after six. The temptation to stay in bed, rather than venturing into the dismal cold of the room (especially shocking after a night of […]

adventures and misadventures

24 May 2013, around 16.42.

Like everything that had to do with him, the narration of his past depended on a complex alchemy of humors, climates, and correspondences, and only when it had been fully achieved would the floodgates of his memory open, launching him into long recollections that did not take into account either time or the disposition of […]

the best of bees

9 August 2024, around 18.00.

Buzzing about in the small comforts of routine. Avoiding even the hint of a thought.

ego hoc feci mm–MMXXIV · cc 2000–2024 M.F.C.
