The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: mysticism

17.06.02 – Monday

17 June 2002, around 13.48.

The greatest pleasure I find in life is reading. In the past few weeks I have found much longed-for enrichment in such a quantity of books as I had thought myself unable to consume. Yet it is true that one hungry will, if possible, eat and the thirsty will, given the chance, drink – so […]

the frond

22 May 2024, around 10.33.

Words are the living carriers of feeling – only pedants and scholars dilute them with analysis or kill them with devitalising formulae. A word is the stamp of life – the richer the better. —Isaiah Berlin (‘The Magus of the North’ in Three Critics of the Enlightenment, p. 396)

beside oneself

25 May 2024, around 4.33.

Ecstatic experiences bring perception of perfection, not of hitherto unnoticed incongruity. Ecstatics find delight in proportion and harmony, not humour in what is awry. Nothing humorous is ever a trigger to ecstasy. In ecstasy there is no fun whatsoever. —Marghanita Laski (Ecstasy in Secular and Religious Experiences, p. 270) When I put Marghanita Laski’s Ecstasy […]

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