The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: dog


25 January 2020, around 8.50.

Best way to start the day.


24 November 2021, around 9.47.

Knowledge of values, in fact, is a matter of direct insight, like seeing that the sky is blue, the grass green. It does not consist of pieces of information that can be handed from one mind to another. In the last resort, every individual must see and judge for himself what it is good for […]


14 January 2022, around 5.41.

Christmas day. Light snow overnight, everything looking somewhat magical – clear and fresh. We plan a walk to the river, because it is a challenge getting the dog to cross the highway, but later she can run off-leash without the likelihood of encountering anybody (though who would one expect to encounter at just after sunup […]


21 December 2023, around 6.17.

We are constantly telling stories—about how we are, about every person we see, hear, hear about—and when we don’t know something, we fill in the gaps with parts of stories we’ve told or heard before. Stories are always only representations. […] to tell a story based on a character-driven plot or a moment of epiphany […]

frost point

15 January 2024, around 11.36.

One cannot say that it is unseasonably cold, because it is winter and it should, after all, be cold, but it is unusually cold, to the point that the streets have been, for the past two days, uncommonly empty, except for dogs and their owners and (on Saturday) postal carriers. Going out without gloves leaves […]


27 February 2024, around 11.50.

It is cold again today, and going out for my run felt burdensome, although I managed it, mostly by distracting myself by trying to sort out different genres of memoir. Some people say there are seven, others say there are thirteen, but none of their lists fully encompass the sub-generic specificities that I have drawn […]


5 August 2024, around 7.47.

At one in the morning, the dog barks to announce the onset of unexpected rain and a thunderstorm. The next hour sees frequent lightning, and only the rain prevents the immediate worry of conflagration. The dog sniffs the air at the open door, listens to the rat-tat-tat of the rain, and heaves a sigh before […]


14 August 2024, around 16.35.

There are several large piles of sticks and fallen branches that need either to be burned (during burn season) or chipped by a brush chipper (during wildfire season). As it is wildfire season, the deadfall needs to be slowly moved from several smaller inconveniently located piles to one larger pile where the chipper can get […]

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