The agreeable eye

an eudæmonistarchives

More specifically concerning: wisdom

Epicurus, ratae sententiae xxvii

11 February 2003, around 9.24.

Ὧν ἡ σοφία παρασκευάζεται εἰς τὴν τοῦ ὅλου βίου μακαριότητα πολὺ μέγιστόν ἐστιν ἡ τῆς φιλίας κτῆσις. Of the things wisdom furnishes for bliss1 throughout life, by far the greatest is the possession of friendship. The ancient Greek adjective makarios, which appears as a superlative in this text, is difficult to translate into English. It […]

Citation (10)

12 July 2003, around 8.05.

a glimpse in the mirror.

Citation (11)

16 August 2003, around 2.08.

the cunning Manager.

Montaigne 3.12

27 January 2017, around 18.36.

Four (of eight) heads of Socratesfrom Lavater’s Lectures on Physiognomy (p. 160) It is a great thing to have been able to put such order into ideas as pure as those of a child that, without altering or stretching them, he produced from them the finest results of our mind. The mind he shows us […]

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